The Stewarts in Ireland – About this web site

“The Stewart’s in Ireland Web Site”
The Stewart’s in Ireland Web Site has been created as a result of research into the family of John Stewart of Hortland Co. Kildare Ireland (by George V. Stewart the Administrator) who came to Ireland C.1820 to work for Sir William Hort of Hortland (formally known as Sculloguestown) Co Kildare Ireland.
During the research a large amount of information was gathered from a variety of both public and private sources for the following families: Stewart’s and various spellings, Fawcett and various spellings, Muldrew and Sinton, Odlum’s, Brazill’s, Bradish of Cork, Good of Cork, Wren of Cork, Dukelow of Cork, Valentine of Co Wicklow and the Fitzwilliam & Wentworth families of the Coollattin Estate of Co. Wicklow.
By placing all of this information on the Web, we are hopeful it will save other researchers a lot of time in visiting all of the various locations where information has been stored.
Given the amount of information still becoming available the site will continue to be updated. This will be on going. To go direct to any of the pages listed, select the page from the list at the top of this page.
In the Records section
In the Records section you will find details of over 38,000 records of Stewart’s made up of 4,000 Births/Baptisms 2,500 Marriages & 2,500 Deaths/Burials from Anglican Church Record books, Roman Catholic Parish records and from Civil Lists. In addition a list of 2,100 Head of Household names from Griffith’s Valuations of 1850’s and 9,800 names listed in the 1901 & 9,850 in the 1911 Census Returns for all Ireland, 240 Head of Household names from The Tithe Applotment Books from the 1820’s and a list of Wills & Memorials.
Names are also included from Pigot’s, Pender’s, Guy’s and Traders Directories from various locations plus some 1820’s census returns (very limited) and others which number some 1500. Also to be found are records and stories about famous and infamous Stewart’s and Fawcett’s. The Stewart records are recorded by county and cover the 32 counties of Ireland.
Distribution of Stewart’s & Stuart’s in Ireland-16th & 17th Century

Distribution of Muldrew’s in Ireland-16th & 17th Century

During the late 1800′s, it is said that there was over 11,000 Stewart’s living in Ireland. There is a lot of research to do to track down the names and addresses and input them into this web site.
The Web Site also contains details of the Fawcett with 3,300 records, Muldrew 180 records & Sinton family’s 400 records. These records are recorded separately by family name and by county.
Also included from Civil lists are 300 births, 1,850 marriages and 2,900 burials.
You will also find listing for the Odlum’s, the Brazil’s, The Bradish, Dukelow Good and Wren family’s from County Cork and the Valentines from County Wicklow.
Also details on the Coollattin Estate and Fitzwilliam and Wentworth family’s of Co Wicklow .
The Web site also lists over 2,000 photographs of various churches from which records have been taken.
If you have any information that could be of use to other viewers or researchers or if you are related to the Stewart’s of Hortland, the Fawcett’s of Counties Kildare and Monaghan, the Muldrew and Sinton families from County Armagh and County Down, please Email me at
Index to pages
Stewart’s: Contains, History of The Stewart’s, Origins, Stewart name, Tartans & Crests, Stewart’s from 1371, Stewart’s in Military, Stewart’s of Canada, Hortland, Millicent, Mount Armstrong, History of the Fawcetts, Muldrew & Sinton family’s. Also included are stories and details about famous or infamous Stewart & Fawcett families.
Records: Contains, records from The Tithe Applotment Books of 1820’s (which lists only the name of the head of household paying Tithes to the Anglican Church), Griffiths Valuations of 1850’s (showing only the name of the head of household), 1901 & 1911 Census Returns, Births Marriages & Death records from Parish Church Records & Civil Records, details of Wills & Memorials, a selection from Guys Postal, Pender’s, Slater’s and other Trade directories for Stewart’s, Fawcett’s, Muldrew’s & Sinton’s.
Millicent Co Kildare: Contains details of the History of the Clane Union, St Michael’s & All Angles Parish Church, Betaghstown & Hewetson Schools, Richard Griffith, the Cooke-Trench family & the Millicent Demesne.
Kildare: Contains Ancient & Recent History of Kildare, Caragh Orphanage Scandal, the Co. Kildare Graveyards of Donadea, Greenhill, Tagadhoe, History of Oughteraney, Prosperous, The Pale, The Hort Family & Hortland, Mass paths of Hortland, Donadea Castle, St Peters Church Donadea, The Donadea district, The Aylmer family of Donadea, the Famine and the 1798 Rebellion and A Timeline of Irish History from 7500 BC up to 2010.
Odlum’s: The history of the Odlum’s of flour milling fame of counties Laois Offaly and Kildare.
Valentines of Co Wicklow taken from The Anglican Church Records.
Good, Bradish & Wren families of Co Cork taken from Anglican Church Records.
Dukelow families of Co Cork from Anglican Church Records.
History of the Coollattin Estate of Co Wicklow.
A list of 1910′s Rate payers of Bray County Wicklow.
A list of protesting farmers from South County Wicklow 1860′s
List various contact details, names addresses, E mail address web site (sources for research-archives) & of those who provide information for the web site.
Where other researchers work is copied, the names of the contributors or sites are listed. Where images are shown which are copyright protect and for which permission has not been granted, please advise the administrator to effect their removal.
My thanks to Sean Dunne of Flicker for permission to use his photographs of St Michael’s & All Angles Church Co Kildare.
Images of Cathedrals taken by Cormac Simms
Church Records by County
These pages contains records by County for the Stewart, Stuart & Steward families for the 32 counties of Ireland
It is important that one goes back to the original source to view the records listed here.
Where Parish Church Records are shown please check in the Civil Lists to see if they are listed there.
Research has been completed on the Anglican Parish Church Births, Marriages & Death/Burial Records, which are housed in the Representative Church Body of the Anglican Church in Dublin. Other Anglican records are housed in PRONI in Belfast along with Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Roman Catholic and other church records. Roman Catholic records are also houses on micro-film in the National Library Dublin. As soon as theses are viewed and copied they will be added to the web site.
Other locations where church records/registers are housed
 AA Armagh Ancestry
 BIVRI British Isles Vital Records Index (LDS CD_ROM set)
 C o I Church of Ireland (Anglican)
 CCAP Cork City Ancestral Project
 CGP Carlow Genealogy Project
 CHGC Cavan Heritage & Geneology Centre
 CHGC Clare Heritage & Genealogical Centre
 DA Donegal Ancestry
 DCLA Dublin City Library & Archive
 DHA Dublin Heritage Group
 DLHRS Dun Laoghaire-Rathdown Heritage Society
 DSHC Dun na Si Heritage Centre
 EGFHS East Galway Family History Society Ltd
 FHP Fingal (Dublin) Heritage Project
 GFHSW Galway Family History Society West Ltd
 ILC In local custody
 IMA Irish Midlands Ancestry
 IW Irish World
 KA Kilkenny Ancestry
 KGC Killarney Genealogical Centre
 KHGC Kildare Heritage & Genealogical Society Co. ltd
 LA Limerick Archives
 LC Local Custody
 LDS Latter Day Saints
 LGC Longford Genealogical Centre
 MA Monaghan Ancestry
 MHC Mallow Heritage Centre
 MNFHRC Mayo North Family History Research Centre
 MSFHC Mayo South Family Heritage Centre
 NLI National Library Ireland
 PRES Presbyterian
 PRONI Public Records Office Northern Ireland
 RCBL (RCB) Representative Church Body Library (of the Church of Ireland)
 RHGC Roscommon Heritage & Genealogical Centre
 SHGC Sligo Heritage & Genealogical Centre
 TFHR Tipperary Family History Research
 TGC The Genealogy Centre Derry (Londonderry)
 TNFHF Tipperary North Family History Research
 UHF Ulster Historical Foundation
 WCHC West Cork Heritage Centre
 WFHC Wicklow Family History Centre
 WH Waterford Heritage Ltd
Civil Records In Ireland – of Births, Marriages and Deaths for everyone began in Ireland 1st January 1864. Civil Registration of Protestant Marriages began 1st April 1845.
Births: Records list the following information: date and place of birth; name; sex; name and dwelling place of father; name and maiden name of mother; rank or profession of father; signature, qualification and residence of informant. Note; the informant was often a relative; this category can supply some very helpful genealogical data.
Marriages: Records list the date and place of marriage, and the following information for both bride and groom; name, age, condition (marital status), rank or profession, residence at time of marriage, name of father, rank of profession of father, where marriage was performed, and names of witnesses.
Death: Records list the following information: date, place of death; name; sex; condition (marital status); age; rank, profession or occupation; cause of death; signature, qualification and residence of informant.
Photographs of many Parish Churches – Anglican (Church of Ireland), Methodist and Presbyterian.
Land Leases for Donegal 1614
Pender’s Report 1659
Hearth Money Rolls 1665
Flax Growers 1796
Belfast Traders 1805-6-7-8-19-43-52-61-77-80-1901-5-7-10
Residents Lists 1851-1910
Pigot’s Directory 1824
Slater’s Directory 1824
Ejectement Tenant Dispute in Donegal 1831
Guy’s Postal Directory 1914
Stewart from Thom’s Directory of Ireland 1884
Members in the Royal Garrisons
Members of the RIC Royal Irish Constabulary
Street Directories
Men who enlisted in The British Armed Forces
List of Freeholders
List of Head of Household paying tithes from The Applotment Books 1820’s
List of Head of Household from Griffith’s Valuations 1850’s
Land Owners 1876
Leather Traders from Kelly’s Directory 1915
Stewart Burke’s Peerage
1821 – 1841- 1851 Census returns (limited)
1901 – 1911 Census Returns
Births Marriages & Deaths/Burials from Church Parish Records from Anglican (not complete) Presbyterian, Methodist & a limit number of Roman Catholic. See each county for details of which Parish Records have been included.
A complete list of where Church Parish Registers/Records are housed showing years.
Births Marriages & Deaths/Burials from Civil Lists
Death Notices from National Newspapers
Wills & Memorials
Register of Deeds
Passenger List (Emigration)
A list of Town lands and Graveyards plus maps of the county
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 Connaught Records (5)
 Leinster Records (29)
 Munster Records (7)
 Ulster Records (13)
 Various Records (31)